2021第五届全球物联网大会暨全球物联网黑科技大赛总决赛改为线上举办的通知 各有关单位:我们非常抱歉的通知,近期由于新冠肺炎疫情形势严峻,全国多个省市陆续受到影响,为积极响应政府关于当前疫情防控政策和要求,保障参会代表的安全健康,最大程度减少人员流动和人员聚集带来的疫情传播风险,经大会组委会及大会主席团研究决定,原计划2022年3月24日至25日于北京朝阳区城市产业·柒政企发布厅举行的第五届...


发表时间:2022-04-16 17:23








  • 项目收集:4 月10 日- 6月30日

  • 项目筛选:7月1日-20日,闭门形式

  • 初赛:8 月 1日- 8月31日,分赛道线上进行

  • 复赛:9月1 日- 30日 ,分赛道线下进行

  • 探营:10月8日-11月30日,评审小组线上考察+线上座谈

  • 决赛:11 月15日-12月20日,分赛道线下进行

  • 黑科技大会:12月23日,北京,线上+线下进行


  • 项目收集:共分为八大赛道、五大赛区与项目筛选标准。




  • 项目筛选:每个赛道50-70个项目进入初赛。

  • 初赛:评审嘉宾以投资机构为主,百分制评判。每个分赛道共30个项目晋级复赛。

  • 复赛:评审团由投资机构和产业机构组成,百分制评判,决出共20个项目。

  • 探营:组委会组织评审小组对各赛道Top20 进行探营考察,产生分赛道Top 15进入赛道决赛。

  • 决赛:评审团由投资机构、下游应用企业、产业协会组成,决出分赛道的Top 3黑科技企业。

  • 黑科技大会:Top 15 企业颁奖,Top3 企业展示,黑科技产业研究成果发布



亮点一 — 项目筛选:所有项目聚焦连接新经济和传统经济,对我国传统产业升级发展具有重大实际意义

亮点二 — 国际化特色:从国内外五大赛区搜集高创新性项目,有效整合国内外资源,加强国际合作,促进优质海外项目的引入,同时为有条件的企业“走出去”创造良好的外部条件;

亮点三 — 分赛道竞赛:分赛道进行线下复赛和决赛,不仅参赛企业能获得更专业评价,还能有效促成参赛企业与产业集群的互动,有助于项目落地,促进地区产业集群的完善。

亮点四 — 探营考察:组织评审小组对复赛胜出企业进行探营考察,与企业管理团队面对面,深入探讨项目细节和应用场景,考察盈利模式的可行性。不仅可据以向企业提出优化建议,还能确保决赛项目的质量。有助于巩固投资人信心,降低投资风险,促进项目融资。;

亮点五 — 黑科技大会:决赛后举办黑科技大会,总结全年工作成果,展望黑科技产业发展趋势。产业生态合作伙伴和投资人汇聚一堂,为大赛优胜者提供展示机会的同时,搭建产业合作和信息交流平台。

亮点六 — 黑科技加速营:各赛道Top 15企业有权进入黑科技加速营,享受专属导师团以投资人、下游应用、产业推广等三个维度的辅导,全面提升竞争力。结业后获得来自加速器的定制化资源赋能。

亮点七 — 全网宣传矩阵:从初赛阶段开始,所有工作成果通过黑科技传播矩阵面向社会全网宣传

Brief introduction of the GlobalBlack-tech Contest

The Global Black-tech Contest isan international innovative technology competition organized by the Z-Park IoTIndustry Alliance and conducted by 123 Black-tech Accelerator under thedirection of national government agencies such as the Department of Industryand Information Technology, the Department of Commerce and the Ministry will beresponsible for Science and Technology, Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Intellectual Property Office and so on. The competition collects 800 - 1000innovative projects worldwide and annually selects the “Top 3 Black TechCompanies” through the process of preselection, 1st round ofcompetition, 2nd round of competition, and the final.

After the finals, the top 15 of each competition track will get the rightto enter the Black-Tech Campus directly. Over the next 6 months, with coachingfrom the exclusive mentoring team, each company will polish its BP and improveits overall competencies such as financing ability, business expansion,commercial collaboration, internal corporate control, etc. During this time,they can also obtain practical knowledge in the fields of IP, industry standards,law and taxes etc.

Timetable and Competition Rules

The Contest Calendar

  • ContestantRegistration: Apr. 10th – Jun.30th

  • Pre-screening: Jul. 1st – 20th,close-door.

  • 1stRound: Aug. 1st -31st ,online

  • 2ndRound: Sep. 1st – 30th ,offline, in different cities according to the tracks

  • Investigation: Oct. 8th- Nov. 30th,onsite group visit+ online symposium

  • FinalRound: Nov .15th – Dec. 20thoffline,indifferent cities according to the tracks

  • Black-techCongress: Dec. 23rd ,Beijing, online+offline

The Competition System

  • Projectcollection

-8 Industrial Tracks: industry internet, smartmanufacture, modern communication, smart traffic, carbon neutral &environmental, smart medical, smart cities, smart agriculture.

-5 DivisionsGreatChina, Western Europe, Middle East, SEA, East Asia

-Screening Standardsthe participants shall fully meet followingqualifications:

High innovative;

Focus on industrial difficulties;

High potential of marketization and industrialization

  • Pre-screeningafter the pre-screening, 50-70 projects foreach track will be selected to enter the 1st round of competition

  • 1stRound: most of the judges will be institutional investors. About 30 projectsfor each track will be selected to enter the 2nd round ofcompetition.

  • 2ndRound: the jury team is consisted with both institutional investors andindustrial leaders. 20 projects will be selected through the 2ndround of competition.

  • InvestigationThe contest committee organizes professionalgroups to investigate the 20 companies that were successful in 2ndround, and select 15 projects to enter the final round of competition.

  • FinalThe jury team consists of institutionalinvestors, downstream enterprises, and experts from industrial associations. Theannual Top 3 Black-techers are created through the final.

  • Black-techCongress an awards ceremony for theTop 15 of each track will be held at the congress, and champions of each trackwill be invited to present their innovative achievements, then an annual reporton the development trends of the black-tech industry will be published.

After thefinals,theTop 15 of each track have the right to enter the annual Black Technology Camp,enjoy guidance from an exclusive mentor group and high-quality courses providedby services partners. After gratuated from the camp, they will be   empowered with resources according toevaluation from the mentor teams. The customized empower includes but notlimited to:   financing, businessreferrals, and industrial cooperation. Among them, the champion of each track canenjoy the exclusive mentor group for free.

Highlights of the 6th GlobalBlack-tech Contest (2022)

  • Pre-ScreeningAll projects collected in this competition focus on the merging ofnew economy and traditional industries so it will be of great practical importance for the digitalupgrading of industry in China.

  • International FeatureSince all the contestant projects are collected from both domesticand abroad, the contest will help to effectively integrate global resources,promote international cooperation and introduce high-quality overseas projectsin China, while creating a harmonious development atmosphere for qualifiedenterprises to   "go global".

  • Competition by TrackThe 2nd Round and the Finals will be held offline in differentcities according to local industrial advantages, so the competition teams canget valuable evaluation from local industry leaders. This mechanism caneffectively promote the interaction between the contestant companies and localindustrial clusters, help the contestants to clearly understand possibleapplicable scenarios, and encourage new projects to be settled in the regionalindustrial clusters.

  • InvestigationThe committee will organize multiple inspection groups to visit eachwinning company in the 2nd round, to experience the products and services,exchange ideas face-to-face with the management team, discuss project detailsin depth and test feasibility of the business model. The investigation willhelp participants to optimize their BPs and perform better in the finals. Itcan also be helpful to reduce investment risks and increase investor confidencein the project.

  • The Black-tech CongressThe Black- tech Congress takes place after the final of the contest.During the congress, black- tech industry achievements will be reported,industry development trend forecast will be published, and the competitionwinners will have opportunity to present their project in front of over 200industrial ecological partners and investors. The congress is designed as aplatform for industrial cooperation and information exchange.

  • The Black-tech CampusThe Top 15 of each competition track will have the right to enterthe camp directly to enjoy mentoring advice from the exclusive mentoring groupin three dimensions - investors, downstream applications and industrialpromotion. The camp will comprehensively strengthen the competitiveness of eachTop 15. Upon completion of the camp, each of them will receive tailoredresource enablement as assessed by the mentor group.

  • Effective publicity matrixStarting with the 1st round, the organizing committee will publicizethe competition projects throughout the society via the full arraycommunication matrix.

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